Embedding our Unified Payment Flow (UPF) in your app or site

The AffiniPay Unified Payment Flow javascript library (UPF) is a pre-built payment form that you can embed into your website. With UPF, you can take one-time or scheduled payments from customers through AffiniPay securely using any of our accepted payment methods (Credit Card, eCheck, and Pay Later), with no need to manage any transaction details yourself.


UPF Checkout comes with Surcharging functionality built in. To set up surcharging with UPF, please contact AffiniPay Support. Once set up, UPF will automatically add surcharge to any transaction if the payment method used supports it. Be sure to adhere to the rules around surcharge.

Security and CAPTCHA

UPF Checkout comes with a built-in CAPTCHA solution to prevent card testing from malicious actors or bots from creating fake transactions. If our backend payment systems detect that UPF Checkout is being used by a bad actor on your page, a CAPTCHA puzzle will be shown to force the user to prove they are real before being able to submit transactions through your integration. This requires no additional setup for you besides the general integration steps listed above.

This type of integration requires a partner OAuth application. If you do not have a partner OAuth application (for example, if you are a merchant), contact AffiniPay Support.

You must contact AffiniPay Support and provide AffiniPay with the Domain Name on which you will be hosting UPF.

UPF should be integrated into your site by a developer. This integration requires web developer skills as well as the ability to generate short-lived JSON Web Tokens (JWT) used for authentication with AffiniPay from your backend server. If you have questions about how to integrate with UPF, contact AffiniPay Support.

To create a payment page using UPF:

  1. Generate a short lived JWT for authentication to pass to your HTML frontend
  2. Get the deposit bank account ID to deposit the payment into
  3. Add a reference to the UPF javascript library in your HTML header
  4. Add the UPF Checkout HTML tag to your HTML body
  5. Add optional UPF fields and properties
  6. Listen to UPF events

UPF versioning

The AffiniPay UPF Checkout Javascript library is versioned. The versioning URL is:


For example, the URL for version 0.0.82 is:


For SRI and integrity attribute purposes, here is the full script tag with the SHA384 digests:


1: Generate a short lived JWT for authentication to pass to your HTML frontend

To authenticate UPF in your website with AffiniPay, you must generate a short lived JSON Web Token (JWT) with the correct scopes using the OAuth Token Exchange Flow.

To do this, call the /v2/oauth/token AffiniPay API endpoint with the following body:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://api.affinipay.com/v2/oauth/token -d '
  "subject_token": "<access_token>",
  "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token",
  "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange",
  "scopes": "charge payment_methods upf"

The access_token in this request is for a specific AffiniPay merchant. For more information on this type of access token, see Connecting current merchants and Connecting new merchants. The response looks like this:

    "access_token": "{{ encoded_merchant_jwt }}",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_at": 1717008100,
    "expires_in": 600,
    "scope": "charge payment_methods upf",
    "created_at": 1717007500

This generates a response access_token in the form of a JWT, which is short-lived and expires in 10 minutes. The scope of the generated token is limited to just the actions UPF needs to perform. Any attempt to use this token to access any AffiniPay APIs other than those UPF needs to function will fail because the access_token is not authorized to make those requests.

You will use the encoded_merchant_jwt in the response to call the bank accounts API and in your payment page to authenticate UPF.

2: Get the deposit bank account ID to deposit the payment into

Next, get the ID for the bank account into which payment will be deposited. Use the /v2/merchants/<mid>/relationships/bank-accounts AffiniPay API, passing the encoded_merchant_jwt as the bearer token for authorization. To retrieve the merchant ID, decode the JWT and use the mid field on the decoded JWT.

Here is an example of decoding the JWT in javascript using the jwt-decode library:

import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode';

const token = "eyJ0eXAiO..."  /// encoded_merchant_jwt";
const decodedToken = jwtDecode(token);

console.log(decodedToken.mid); // merchant ID

All popular programming languages have a library to decode JWTs (or it is exposed as built-in functionality in the language). For a full list of support, see this list.

After decoding the JWT and retrieving the mid, call the bank accounts API.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <encoded_merchant_jwt>" https://api.affinipay.com/v2/merchants/<mid>/relationships/bank-accounts

The response will contain an array of bank accounts for that merchant within the data field:

    "data": [
            "type": "bank_account",
            "id": "0ojg5y7zCFCGKNoGWkGmF7",
            "attributes": {
                "description": "Operating Bank Account 1234",
                "account_number_last4": "1234",
                "currency": "usd",
                "payout_speed": "standard",
                "routing_number_last4": "3123",
                "bank_account_type": "checking",
                "iolta_trust": false
            "relationships": {
                "legal_entity": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "legal_entity",
                        "id": "12tNMtZTmBD37U7B05SMH0"
                "merchant": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "merchant",
                        "id": "6EmhWj6rWuEciYTw9o1WR3"
            "meta": {
                "archived": false,
                "version": 1

Determine which bank account in the array you want for depositing payments taken from within UPF and note its ID, which you will pass to the frontend UPF web component.

3: Add a reference to the UPF javascript library in your HTML header

On your payment page, add a reference to the AffiniPay UPF Checkout library in the <head> tag of your page. Optionally, you can include the integrity and crossorigin=’anonymous’ properties to verify the script’s origin.

  <script src="https://cdn.affinipay.com/upf-checkout/0.0.82/main.ba238c3dba4048a1e650.bundle.js"

4: Add the UPF Checkout HTML tag to your HTML body

In the HTML body of your payment page, add the <upf-checkout> HTML tag where you want the AffiniPay payment methods component to display on the payment page.

  // rest of html
    token="{{ encoded_merchant_jwt }}"
    public-key="{{ merchant_public_key }}"
    bank-account-id="{{ bank_account_id }}"

There are four required fields to pass to the upf-checkout web component:

When your page loads, you should see the UPF Checkout web component, which will look similar to this, depending on the bank account’s accepted payment methods:

5: Add optional UPF fields and properties

Each of these fields can be optionally passed to the <upf-checkout> HTML tag as HTML attributes to customize how UPF works:

Complex optional fields

Since HTML tags can only take in string attributes, some optional functionality of UPF that requires object or array types uses javascript object properties instead. Here is an example of how to use a property within UPF:

  <script src="https://cdn.affinipay.com/upf-checkout/0.0.82/main.ba238c3dba4048a1e650.bundle.js"
    document.addEventListener('UPFLoadSuccess', function (event) {
      var upf = document.querySelector('upf-checkout')
      upf['default-fields'] = { 'name': 'test', 'email': 'test@example.com' };
    // rest of attributes

UPF complex optional properties include:

6: Listen to UPF events

While the UPF Checkout javascript library handles the end-to-end tokenization and payment flow, you may want to be notified when something happens within UPF, such as when a successful payment occurs so you can navigate the user to a thank you page or when there is an issue submitting a payment. To do this, UPF emits Custom Events for various actions that UPF is taking.

The events UPF emits are browser-only events that your frontend HTML page can listen and react to, not webhooks that backend systems can listen to. To subscribe to webhook events, see our webhook documentation.

To subscribe to an event UPF emits on your payment page, set up an Event Listener in your payment page’s <script> tag to be notified when an event occurs. Some events also have a detail field with more information on the event that can be accessed with event.detail. For example:

  document.addEventListener('UPFChargeSuccess', function (event) {
  	// do whatever you want with the event

The full list of events that UPF emits with corresponding detail fields includes:

Basic Code Example (Native Javascript + HTML)

Here is a basic example of how to use UPF within a website utilizing native javascript and HTML. This example does not use any of the advanced options available within UPF, it will just create a $20.00 transaction for the merchant’s deposit bank account when submitted.

   <script src="https://cdn.affinipay.com/upf-checkout/0.0.82/main.ba238c3dba4048a1e650.bundle.js"

    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeSuccess', function (event) {

    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeFailure', function (event) {


Advanced Code Example

Here is a more advanced example of how to use UPF within a website utilizing native Javascript and HTML. This example will create a $20.00 transaction when the user clicks submit with a scheduled payment that will run monthly on the 15th of each month up to a max amount of $500. Additionally, it sets some default fields, custom fields, and some event listeners to console log any successful or unsuccessful charge attempts.

   <script src="https://cdn.affinipay.com/upf-checkout/0.0.82/main.ba238c3dba4048a1e650.bundle.js"


    document.addEventListener('UPFLoadSuccess', function (event) {
      var upf = document.querySelector('upf-checkout')
      upf['default-fields'] = {
        'name': 'test',
        'email': 'test@tester.com'
      upf['custom-data'] = {
        'field1': ['first entry', 'second entry'],
        'field2': 'testing123'
      upf['recurring-data'] = {
	 'interval_unit': 'MONTH',
        'interval_delay': 1,
        'start': '2023-12-15',
        'days': ['15'],
        'max_amount': 5000

    document.addEventListener('UPFPaymentMethodChange', function (event) {

    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeSuccess', function (event) {

    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeFailure', function (event) {

    reference="Transaction 123"

Code Example (React + typescript)

// index.tsx

export const loadScript = (script: string): void => {
  const scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
  scriptEl.setAttribute('src', script);


  <App />,
  document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
// App.tsx

const App = () => {
  const [amount, setAmount] = useState<string/>,('0');
  const [reference, setReference] = useState<string/>,('');
  const [customDataField, setCustomDataField] = useState<string/>,('');
  const [testMode, setTestMode] = useState<boolean/>,(false);
  const upfRef = useRef<HTMLElement>,();

  // these can also be split up into separate useEffects per event type if needed
  useEffect(() => {
    const listenerCallback = (e: CustomEvent) => {
      console.log(`App received UPF event: ${e.type}`, { detail: e.detail});
    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeSuccess', listenerCallback);
    document.addEventListener('UPFChargeFailure', listenerCallback);
    document.addEventListener('UPFPaymentMethodChange', listenerCallback);

    return () => {
      document.removeEventListener('UPFChargeSuccess', listenerCallback);
      document.removeEventListener('UPFChargeFailure', listenerCallback);
      document.removeEventListener('UPFPaymentMethodChange', listenerCallback);
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    // react ref allows us to modify the properties of the UPF object directly
    upfRef.current['custom-data'] = { upfCustomDataKey: customDataField };
  }, [customDataField]);

  useEffect(() => {
    upfRef.current['default-fields'] = {
      'name': 'test',
      'email': 'test@tester.com'
  }, []);

  const onAmountChange = (e) => {
    const { value } = e.target;

  const onReferenceChange = (e) => {
    const { value } = e.target;

  const onCustomDataFieldChange = (e) => {
    const { value } = e.target;

  const toggleTestMode = () => {
    setTestMode(prevTestMode => !prevTestMode);

  return (
        <label for='amount'>Amount (in cents)</label>
        <label for='reference'>Reference</label>
        <label for='custom-data'>UPF Custom Data Field</label>
          {testMode ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'} Test Mode

export default App;

// type declarations for upf web component if using typescript with react
// upf-checkout.d.ts

declare module React.JSX {
  interface IntrinsicElements {
    'upf-checkout': {
      amount: string,
      'public-key': string,
      'bank-account-id': string,
      token: string,
      'submit-disabled'?: boolean,
      'surcharge-disabled'?: boolean,
      reference?: string,
      errors?: string,
      'test-mode'?: boolean,
      'disabled-fields'?: string,
      'disabled-payment-methods'?: string,
      'source-id'?: string,
      ref?: React.Ref<HTMLElement>