Connecting with API keys

Use this topic if you’re an AffiniPay merchant. Otherwise, see the Quickstart to decide how to connect based on your integration type.

When you run transactions through the AffiniPay Payment Gateway, you need your:

To access your public key, secret keys, and account ID:

  1. Log in to the web application that corresponds to the product you’re integrating into your application.
  2. In the web application, click your name in the top-right corner and click Developers. (This part of the web application is available only to users with the Administrator or Developer role and to the merchant owner.)

  3. Click Authorize Application, select My Website from the drop-down list, and click Authorize Application.

  4. Locate My Website in the Authorized Applications grid, and click Show Credentials to see your public key, secret keys, and account ID. You’ll need all three to create a charge through the AffiniPay Payment Gateway API.

Next step

Next, you’ll create a payment form.